
Life Purpose Quote - Albert Camus

Inspirational Quotes - Life Purpose
Life Purpose Quotes
This life purpose quote by Albert Camus makes you stop and think, don't you agree? 

It is so profound and yet we often forget this. Searching for something is by definition acknowledging that you have no clue... 

If we keep searching for what happiness is, we are not in alignment with who and what we really are. Then it is time to sit down and reflect a bit. It may be that we ask ourselves the wrong question. 

It may be a good idea to change the question then. Instead of asking: "What is happiness?" on an abstract level, we can change this into a more practical and down to earth approach. We could ask ourselves about the things that already work for us - and then expand on that. When we know what we are looking for, the chance that we find something is much bigger. 

I compare it to traveling. If you set out for Paris, you will - most probably - get there. You may get off track for a while, but you can get back to the right direction, because you know where you go. You may need some help or information on the way, but you know what to ask for.

The second part of the quote is something to ponder as well. Yes, there is much to be said about this. Maybe we'll cover it on April 10th on the Telesummit Align With Your Purpose. I hope you'll join us then. 

And listen to the other conversations as well. You will get so much out of the information and wisdom the speakers share!