
Life Purpose: Dream Big

Inpirational Quotes Life Purpose
Inspirational Quotes - dream big
Dream big - I think I got that message first as I heard John Lennon sing "Imagine". That song resonated so very deep within me. Because I had been accused exactly from that: being a dreamer. tAnd at that time it meant nothing good. It was more like "being not of this world". 

Nowadays I'm happy that I dream big. Without that I would never have gone and live in another country, started two publishing - companies in two different languages - I wouldn't have started to write myself, nor now launching in the third language. 

I wouldn't have learned several languages, have studied whatever I felt like, have taugth myself how to make websites. 

I would have never shifted "careers" whenever I felt like it and I would not have had the courage to let the important things in my life prevail above the things that society considers important. 

In short: without dreaming big I would never have lived... 

I sure hope you are in the club of big dreamers too! If so, stay tuned, we may be able to share some of the dreams... You can read more on the special website about The CORE Community, (CORE means: Community Optimized Reflection Experience) where I tell you all about  a group of people that are not only dreaming big, but are also realistic enough to make those dream come true..